
Strength Training: Why Do It? From a Main Line, PA Personal Trainer

October 18, 2023

Strength Training: Why Do It? Part of my job as a Main Line, PA Personal Trainer is educating clients about overall wellness and health for long term goals. I don’t like to categorize people into groups or demographics, but the fact of the matter is it’s never been more important to be physically active most […]

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I'm Kim!

I'm not just a personal trainer - my background is in Physical Therapy. I formulate exercise programs with a focus on injury prevention and education. Plus, I promise a fun time, even while you're feeling the burn!


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Strength Training: Why Do It?

Part of my job as a Main Line, PA Personal Trainer is educating clients about overall wellness and health for long term goals. I don’t like to categorize people into groups or demographics, but the fact of the matter is it’s never been more important to be physically active most days of the week BEFORE and AFTER the age of 50. A large part of that activity should include strength training at least 2 x per week. Why? Because being active and strength training before the middle of your life puts those exercise credits in the bank to keep you healthy and disease free as your body ages.

Strength training is not only important to keep your heart healthy (your heart is a muscle too!), it’s also important to keep your muscles strong. Now, I’m not talking about having huge muscles like a body builder (unless that’s your goal of course!), I’m talking about using resistance. Whether that means using bands, weights ,or machines, resistance is such an important component of strength training.

Did you know you lose 4-6 pounds of muscle mass every decade, especially after 50? More muscle reaps many benefits including regulating your blood sugar, reducing bone loss, improving your balance, and recovering quicker from illnesses like the cold and flu!

There are many ways to incorporate strength training into your routine every week, and it can take as little as 15-30 mins if you have the right program! It’s important to find the right professional to tailor a program according to your current fitness level. Most people I train are at a beginner level. They may have exercised in the past, but have been fairly inactive for long periods of time. My goal is to load their joints and muscles slowly, focusing on form and making them familiar with basic functional exercises. After that we work to build on the foundation created, and form a strong lean body by adding more resistance and/or making the moves more complicated. I find this to be the best way to educate people about their bodies. It also helps my clients to make the important mind/body connection!


Main Line PA Personal Trainer

About Kim Stencel: Main Line, PA Personal Trainer

I’m not your average personal trainer! My background is in Physical Therapy. With this, I can formulate an exercise program with a focus on prevention of further injury or new injuries, and educate you about your body. Plus, I promise a fun time, even while you’re feeling the burn!

Looking for help? Reach out to a top rated Main Line, PA Personal Trainer

I’m currently accepting new clients! Reach out HERE for a consultation!

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I'm Kim, your new workout buddy

I'm not just a personal trainer - my background is in Physical Therapy - and I will formulate an exercise program with a focus on prevention of further injury or new injuries, and educate you about your body!

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Your top choice for personal training in Chester County, the Main Line, Chester Springs, the West Chester area.

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